Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are you looking for additional members? Can I nominate other women to be invited?

A: YES! Our initial goal is to have 100 womxn involved, and to date, we are about 40% of the way! We are looking for womxn who are interested in philanthropy and giving back in service to the community AND to being in connection and community with other womxn. We want The Giving Forward Project to be equal parts philanthropy and community; we believe that we are stronger together!

Q: Is my donation to The Giving Forward Project tax deductible?

A: Yes! We have partnered with The Denver Foundation, Colorado’s oldest and largest community foundation. By creating a Giving Circle through the Foundation, we receive many benefits, one being tax deductibility. Your donations will be made directly to the Foundation, and you will receive year-end tax paperwork directly as well.

Q: I’m not in a financial situation to contribute $100 per quarter. Can I still be a member?

A: Yes! While our ultimate goal is to contribute $10,000 quarterly to a local organization, equally as important is the community building. We understand that every individual has a different relationship with money and philanthropy, and we want to meet you where you are. We are still outlining all of the organizational parameters, but find it extremely important to welcome womxn who want to donate and be part of the community! What we would ask is that you determine what is feasible for you to give, and commit to a quarterly contribution for a year. You are welcome to make a monthly, quarterly, or annual contribution, whichever works best for your individual financial situation. You will be giving directly to The Denver Foundation, from where the grants will be distributed.

Q: How much voice will members have in nominating and choosing grant recipients?

A: A LOT! We encourage each and every member to nominate organizations that are close to you, and who are making an impact in the Denver and Colorado communities. One of the benefits of partnering with The Denver Foundation is the opportunity to vet nonprofit organizations, which we will do with all nominees. We will be discussing and finalizing the organizational parameters in our first several meetings, and want to hear from our members and encourage comments and suggestions on how you’d like to see the granting process work. Once the parameters are established, the nominating and voting will be an ongoing organizational process. We believe fully that we are IN community FOR our community, and want all member’s voices to be heard.